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 Author's          Purpose

Jeannette Walls is a 56-year-old writer and journalist who was living her life as a lie before writing her book The Glass Castle. She wanted to believe that her life was not so bad when she was just a kid.She wanted to act like her parents were not homeless.Until one specific night when she was heading to a party she had seen a homeless woman.The woman was looking through the trash to find some food. When Jeannette got a clear look at the woman she had discovered that woman was her own mother.She became instantly embarrassed and ashamed of who her family was and tried to hide so her mom would not see her and call her name out loud.She believed that everyone she knew would have judged her because of while she was living her life in a house with food on her plate and a bed to sleep on her parents had nothing.The next day she had called her mother so they could go out to eat.While she was having dinner with her she had asked her mom what would she tell people when they asked about her parents and her mom said simply "Tell the truth.” She at first taught that her mom was crazy but she did it; she told the truth with the fear of her losing everything because of it.Her eye opener was that shame can be very isolating emotion it makes you build up a wall..she was ashamed that people seen her as this glamorous person that she was not.She was ashamed that while she was living a life of her own her parents were living a completely different one.The fact that she was completely living a life that was not her made her life very difficult to have any happiness.In her book, she was the main character telling the story about her childhood and how she has grown into the woman she is today.Never let your past determine your future is what she was trying to tell us and to always be honest with oneself.


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